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Warbird Operators Invade Houston

February 14, 2018 warbird operators from across the United States will be meeting in Houston, TX at the Hilton NASA Clear Lake Hotel for back-to-back conventions kicking off the 2018 flying season. First up is the Classic Jet Aircraft Association's (CJAA) Annual Convention. Running February 14-15, this event features presentations on jet warbird operations, maintenance, and safety subjects. The CJAA's mission is to protect the freedom to fly jet warbirds in the United States and provide the broader warbird community with the education and resources necessary to keep high performance jets flying in civilian hands. To learn more about the CJAA and its mission, visit

Immediately following the CJAA's Annual Convention is the National Warbird Operator Conference (NWOC) February 15-18. NWOC is open to operators of piston- and jet-powered warbirds. The convention schedule is packed with engaging presentations and break-out sessions conducted by representatives of the EAA, AOPA, FAA, and more.

NWOC activities open with a cocktail reception Thursday night. Saturday afternoon and evening feature a tour of the Lone Star Flight Museum followed immediately by dinner at the museum. Sunday morning wraps up the convention with closing remarks from the convention team. Exhibitors will have booths throughout the event and convention attendees include dozens of warbird pilots sharing knowledge and experience to help make the 2018 flying season safe and fun. Visit for more information and to register to attend.

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