Publications Library
Looking for information about the L-39 Albatros? You've come to the right place. Here are some of the documents that govern the maintenance, restoration, licensing, and operation of the L-39 Albatros and other warbird aircraft.
FAA Safety Briefing - Latest aviation safety newsletter from the FAA.
Regulatory / FAA
Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) - Easy-to-navigate links to all of US Title 14.
FAA SAC 20-96, Surplus Military Aircraft - A basic guide to purchasing vintage military aircraft.
AC 20-142, Eligibility and Evaluation of US Military Surplus Flight Safety Critical Aircraft Parts - Important information to help you determine the airworthiness of parts, engines, etc.
AC 43-209A, Recommended Inspection Procedures for Former Military Aircraft - How to inspect your warbird.
AC 61-107A, Operation of Aircraft at Altitudes Greater than 25,000 feet MSL and/or Mach Numbers Greater than .75 - High flyers, read this.
Order 8130.2J, Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Products - The main governing document for jet warbird airworthiness issues.
Order 8900.1 (Change 0), Airmen Qualification Requirements - Covers the process of getting rated in a warbird.
AC 21-54 - Covers airworthiness certification of former military aircraft.
FAA 8130-7 - Example of the special airworthiness certificate and operating limitations issued by the FAA to all L-39s.
L-39 Documents
Note: These publications may not be used for commercial or resale purposes. We will make them available for the convenience of our customers and other interested parties. Please contact us if you have any special requests, or cannot find what you are looking for. This catalog of documents will be an ongoing project, so please check back often as we add to our list of offerings.
Code 1 Aviation's "L-39 Fact Sheet for Future Owners" - Includes 20 commonly asked questions asked about owning an L-39. (Updated April 2022).
Strong ParaCushion L-39 parachute manual
Garmin G3X Touch Pilot's Guide